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A Legal Guide to ICE Enforcement in Schools

Program Description:

     With the new federal administration’s deportation actions and the elimination of the longstanding ICE guidelines regarding restricting ICE actions in “safe spaces,” educators and school leaders need to be prepared for how to handle ICE enforcement actions within schools.  This practical and informative webinar is presented by EdLaw Interactive’s Executive Director, attorney Erin D. Gilsbach, Esq., a nationally-recognized speaker, author, and school law attorney.  Atty. Gilsbach will provide a detailed analysis of the law regarding the right of undocumented students to attend school, ICE authority to act on school grounds, warrants and ICE enforcement actions, student data privacy and ICE requests for student information, responding to ICE presence on school grounds, the legal implications of obstructing or impeding a lawful ICE enforcement action, providing information to parents and the community, and more.  Don't miss this practical and timely webinar.

Program Description
About the Presenter
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Erin D. Gilsbach Esq. 

     Erin D. Gilsbach, Esq., a practicing school law attorney and Executive Director of EdLaw Interactive, is an experienced speaker and writer at the state and national levels on current trends and important issues regarding school law and education.  She is also a highly-skilled professional development expert who provides school law training in live and web-based formats to educators and school leaders nationally and throughout her home state of Pennsylvania.  In addition to working with schools, Atty. Gilsbach devotes a great deal of time to working with other school law attorneys, providing continuing legal education (CLE) trainings for school law attorneys on new and emerging legal issues in the field of education law. 

     Atty. Gilsbach has extensive experience working with schools and providing proactive professional development programs for school attorneys and school leaders on legally-defensible practices.  She has provided legal representation and/or professional development to over 150 public, private, and charter schools.  Atty. Gilsbach is Past-President of the PA School Boards Association (PSBA) Solicitor’s Association and a member of the Board of Directors of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) Council of School Attorneys.  She is also a frequent writer and presenter with PSBA, NSBA, NSBA’s Council of School Attorneys (COSA), and the National Business Institute (NBI).  She was voted a Rising Star Attorney by her peers in Superlawyers and Philadelphia magazines for five consecutive years and was selected as 2018’s Distinguished Speaker by the Missouri Council of Administrators of Special Education.
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