Medical Marijuana in Schools:
Seeking Clarity in the Haze
May 22, 2018 1:00 - 2:15 EST
Interested in hosting this programs live at your school or organization or requesting a customized webinar or recorded training?
Timothy E. Gilsbach, Esq.
Description of Program:
Many states have new or recent legislation permitting the use of medical marijuana, but the drug continues to be illegal under federal law. This poses a difficult issue for schools, as they struggle to determine their obligations under such laws Section 504 the IDEA, and the ADA, which mandate medical accommodations for individuals with disabilities, and weight them against the potential loss of federal funding if a school permits the use of a federally-prohibited drug. In this webinar, school law attorney Timothy E. Gilsbach, a noted scholar on the issue of medical marijuana in schools, discusses legal implications of the use of medical marijuana by both employees and students. Atty. Gilsbach addresses the issue in a practical manner, offering practical tips and tools as well as an in-depth discussion of the issue to help educators and school leaders navigate this hazy new legal issue.